Thursday, August 5, 2010

~ emosiku tibe2 terganggu ~

yess..evrythin what i need is here now...a good parttime job although is really tired..woke up earlier monin to make sure i never miss my class and in evening doing my parttime job.. sumpah tired! But what can i do xkn nk susahkan parents slame aku hdp...God give a long live for my parents im really can’t live without them... i know sumtimes dorg trase bcoz saya sgt2 jarang plg ke kg...but i really know yg dorg phm... susah nk luah sume ni kat org...ape yg dorg taw its blame me without hearing my explaination.. my family?? Dorg xperlu tau kot how my life here...xnk dorg risau n susah hati..dari kecik mmg da base hdp lone rangers, so diz is not to hard for me...da base hdp independent...its okla ade hikmah...xpela susah dulu never mind...i know God always not SLEEP! Ape yg xcukup? Haish..manusia xpenah rase puas ngn ape yg die ade...xpe mmg ape yg aku buat ni tersangatla long x myusahkan org its ok...xpe bdn sakit dr hdp myusahkan org laen..tahla feel sad tonite...xtau nape..mybe mish my dad n mom..rase kurang da lame sgt tgl solat.. Ramadan da dkt hope aku leh smbahyang dgn sempurna(hopefully).. rasenye xperlu sape2 dlm hdp cukupla ade familykan?? Boyfriend?? Hurm.. da pasrah if jadi pape..xpenah nk tpiki sal kawen if ada jodoh adela...just cube jd yg terbaik..itu pun kalo die pun cube weakness is sy sgt PENDENDAM! Cmne nk ubah?? Ape yg blaku sepanjang aku hdp i’ll neva forget! Always remember for makesure i’ll always carefull with evrythin happen...xnk pisang bbuah 2 kali..ape yg blaku dulu n skrg xpenah lupe ckit mybe ckp saya sgt pendendam... ye mmg btul tp org tye x knape sy sgt pendendam! Sumenye sbb hati manusia, manusia xpenah puas dgn ape yg die ade..xpenah bsyukur dan xpenah menghargai...once dorg da hlg ape yg sbnarnye dorg nk bru nk regret.. for what?? Xpela..just follow the flow.. mybe dorng nk GF yg menepati ciri2 dorg...ape yg ade kt gf sdr mybe xckup ape yg dorg nk..but its human being rite?? Nobody perfect everybody must do the mistake must have a weakness...samela cm ko..kalo korg rase nk yg perfect korg ckup perfect ke utk dapatkan yg perfect! Yes! talking is more easier than doing..mmg pon...dats why org melayu xkemana!

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